Episode 301

Published on:

28th May 2024

The State of Social Media with Meg Coffey


In this episode of the Engage Video Marketing Podcast, we delve into the ever-changing world of social media and digital marketing. Our guest, Meg Coffey, an internationally recognised strategist based in Australia, shares insights on staying ahead of the curve. Meg's expertise and dedication shine through as she discusses her role in organising Australia's largest social media conference, helping businesses navigate the digital landscape of 2024 and beyond. Join us as we explore the importance of adapting to the dynamic realm of social media marketing.


[00:02:22] Meg's journey to Australia.

[00:06:39] Tourism and hospitality experiences.

[00:08:26] Rise of keyboard warriors.

[00:11:53] Audience segmentation on social media.

[00:15:19] Building Your Business Online

[00:20:24] Social media evolving for businesses.

[00:24:17] Niche content marketing strategies.

[00:26:36] Shiny object syndrome

[00:29:03] Focus on strategy first.

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About the Podcast

Engage Video Marketing Podcast
I'm on a mission to develop confident Video Strategists... join me with weekly episodes.
The Engage Video Marketing Podcast is a weekly show with a mission to grow confident Video Strategists. Each week your host, leading video strategist Ben Amos will share world-class guest interviews, video strategy training, latest social video trends, case studies tips and tactics to help develop in confidence as a Video Strategist to better serve your clients and grow businesses.

Learn more and take the next steps to become a confident video strategist at https://www.engagevideomarketing.com
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About your host

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Ben Amos

Ben is a passionate online video strategist, entrepreneur, video producer, speaker and educator working with savvy brands across Australia and the world to connect them to their ideal audiences through effective online video marketing. He is the Owner and Creative Director of Innovate Media, an online video strategy and production agency based out of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

As host of the Engage Video Marketing Podcast, and creator of the Online Video Strategy Blueprint Ben’s mission is to help other creatives, marketers, entrepreneurs and video producers better understand how to attract, engage and convert audiences online with video.

At the heart of it all, Ben believes that effective online video content has strategy at its core. As content producers, marketers or business owners we must rise up against the ‘avalanche of average’ video content surrounding digital audiences today and deploy video strategically, deliberately and creatively across platforms for maximum results.

Behind this, Ben’s a proud Dad of two daughters, a family guy and an adventurous Aussie who loves building sandcastles with his kids at any of the beautiful beaches of his home town on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.